Money Tips

  • It's obvious but it took me time to sink in. When buying shop many stores for price. Easier now with the web, from your chair
  • Before you can save money, learn how you spend it. Get a notepad+just write for a month. Patterns will emerge & you'll see waste
  • Eat at home. Yes, a bit more work but always cheaper. Plus, if careful, you can eat more healthy food.
  • Exercise outdoors & at home. Gym are nice but you under use their equipment. As a bonus, outdoors you get a great view
  • Pay your credit card debt in full by the end of the month. You can litterally save fortunes. If you can't, focus on the bills with the highest interest
  • Avoid vending machines, resort shops & places where stuff is sold at a more expensive price because of location
  • take vacation off season. Hotels & tickets are less expensive & less people = you can better enjoy the place
  • If you feel Stuck, think outside the box. Wills break barriers/See what Jack white did when he needed a guitar
  • Dont carry lots of money. It's harder to spend money you don't have. Obviously, here, credit cards count as money here
  • Refill ink cartridges. costs can skyrocket fast if you print a lot. ensure you can refill your printer cartridge+do it
  • ask for competent advice while filling your tax return. Sometimes a little difference may save you a great amount.
  • buy a hybrid. They have a much higher mileage per gallon, make less noise & as an added bonus, you are more eco-friendly
  • "If it ain't broke dont fix it" often wrong. repair early & you save. Sometimes can even avoid more expensive repairs
  • Keep clothes slightly longer. Yes the latest fashion is nice but you save a lot if clothes are still in good condition
  • Unplug unused appliances. Many appliances use energy even on standby mode such as computers.
  • Use a bicycle: u can exercise while getting there+in cities may be faster than cars+no gas involved (unless you fart ;)
  • Sell old stuff you do not use. It frees up storage space and brings in money
  • many stores will give you discounts if you sign up for their membership program. If you use it often, it is worth it
  • Dont put all eggs in 1 basket. Diversify investment. ie portfolio of stock better than just 1. Minimize risk+max return
  • a dollar a day goes a long way. many wait nearing retirement & lose on compound interests. Start early+do it regularely
  • Get others to purchase the same item as you & get a group discount... sometimes even free item. Example: gym membership
  • Economies of scale often apply - Grouping purchases can yield cheaper per item price at wholesale stores like costco
  • Buy used if applicable, ie not for underwear :). It save lots of money but make sure item is in good condition first
  • Plan purchases - If purchase isn't urgent. Rather than pay interests, save money monthly+put it in savings account
  • Not a tip but a #funny #quote: "Borrow from a pessimist, they don't expect it back" :)
  • Outlet malls - They may be a little far off but they are worth the trip in savings
  • it may be sound obvious, but we forget. Ask if you can get a discount/ it is the best price. It may be enough to get 1
  • Get on shop's mailing list & look for coupons/sales days. Waiting 1 week or 2 to buy desired item can well be worth it